Tropical Cyclone Megan closes major mine in Australia's north
The storm has already led to the closure of a manganese mine on Groote Eylandt island, the world's largest producer of the metal, according to the Northern …
The storm has already led to the closure of a manganese mine on Groote Eylandt island, the world's largest producer of the metal, according to the Northern …
Дэлхий дээрх манганы хүдрийн нөөцийн дийлэнх хувийг (90.8%) хүнд баяжигддаг карбонатын хүдэр эзэлдэг бол оксидын болон холимог хүдэр нь хялбар …
Манганы хүдэр нь ашигт малтмал юм. Эдгээр нь аж үйлдвэр, эдийн засгийн чухал ач холбогдолтой юм. Эдгээрт бронит, родонит, родохрозит, бустамит, пиролизит, …
The various theories relating to the origin of the Groote Eylandt manganese ores are discussed and a petrogenetic sequence involving biogeochemical precipitation of …
Close to Angurugu on the west of the island are a manganese mine, treatment plant and shipping operation controlled by Groote Eylandt Mining Company Pty Ltd (GEMCO), a …
Located on the island of Groote Eylandt, in the Gulf of Carpentaria in Australia's Northern Territory, GEMCO is an open-cut, strip-mining operation that produces high grade manganese ore. Learn more
WEBA bulk carrier loaded with 41,000 tonnes of manganese ore has crashed into mining company South32's loading wharf on the remote Groote Eylandt in the Northern …
The sedimentary manganese ore deposit of Groote Eylandt, Australia, is an example of the Orthoquartzite-Glauconite-Clay Association, and was formed during a …
The Groote Eylandt landscape is typical of the Top End, light woodland savannah country fringed by mangroves on the coast. Alyangula is the main town with a population of 870 …