Josef Mengele
Josef Mengele was a Nazi doctor at Auschwitz extermination camp who selected prisoners for execution in gas chambers and led medical experiments on inmates.
Josef Mengele was a Nazi doctor at Auschwitz extermination camp who selected prisoners for execution in gas chambers and led medical experiments on inmates.
On May 30, 1943, the SS assigned Mengele to Auschwitz. There is some evidence that Mengele himself requested this assignment. He …
1977 MENGELE PSM 600 in Düsseldorf, Germany . Mengele PSM. Weight: 4 t. This seller has been contacted 4 times in the last week. Interested in this machine? Click to …
Josef Mengele went on to live another 17 years in relative seclusion and deteriorating health, with recently published journal entries indicating he never changed …
Өнцөг бутлуур нь эргэдэг нунтаглах диск бүхий механик удирдлагатай гар багаж юм.Нунтаглагч дискийг мотортой зөв өнцгөөр суурилуулсан бөгөөд маш өндөр …
Синопед хэт микро нунтаглагч нь химийн бодис, хоол хүнс, гоо сайхны бүтээгдэхүүн, будаг, давирхай, хясаа гэх мэт төрөл бүрийн материалыг бутлах, ангилах боломжтой.
Зэврэлт, цохилтод тэсвэртэй, цаг агаарын эсэргүүцэл, цахилгаан тусгаарлагч зэрэг PE нунтаг бүрэх давуу талыг олж мэдээрэй.
On June 6, 1985, Brazilian police in São Paulo dug up the grave of a man named "Wolfgang Gerhard." Forensic and later genetic evidence conclusively proved …
The infamous Schutzstaffel doctor Josef Mengele was known as the Angel of Death for choosing and condemning Jews, gypsies, and other prisoners to the gas chambers at …
From 1943 to 1945, Mengele built up a reputation as the "Angel of Death" at Auschwitz. Like other Nazi doctors on-site, Mengele was tasked with choosing which prisoners …