Sanctions Weigh Heavily on Russian Coal Miners
Russia is struggling to diversify coal exports, but supplies to Asia, Africa and the Middle East are hampered by problems with logistics, freight, and insurance, Maxim …
Russia is struggling to diversify coal exports, but supplies to Asia, Africa and the Middle East are hampered by problems with logistics, freight, and insurance, Maxim …
As of 2013, Russia's coal industry comprises over 240 coal mining operations, including 96 underground mines and around 150 surface mines, accounting …
Нүүрс баяжуулах үйлдвэр хугацааныхаа дагуу бүтээн байгуулалтын ажлаа хийж байгаа учраас 2024 онд ашиглалтад орохоор байна. Тус үйлдвэр нь …
The publication features a detailed overview of the Russian coal export market including price assessments, netbacks, coal production data, transportation, actual shipments …
The leading coking coal producer in Russia. Its product portfolio includes all grades of coking coal as well as mixed concentrates of the extracted coal, produced in …
JSC «Russian Coal» was founded in 2002. The company's assets are located in three regions of the Russian Federation: Amur region, the Republic of …
Siberian Coal Energy Company, or SUEK, was the leading coal company in Russia, having produced nearly 110 million metric tons of this fossil fuel in 2022. Furthermore, the coal …
Coal prices worldwide increased during the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Between February 24 and June 1, 2022, the average price of coal was 69 percent …
Russian coal – have now downgraded their plans for building new coal capacity. Several markets, including the European Union (EU), South Korea and China, have set a target …
Argus Russian Coal. Contents. Railcar rates show resilience in May 4. Freight rates rising at Russia's western ports 4. Russian coal prices slump as China hunts for discounts 5. …