машин cf6 80c2

Манай машин cf6 80c2

CF6-80C2 Datasheet

CF6-80C2 Engine

The CF6-80C2 is certified on several widebody aircraft models, and Delta TechOps has serviced these engines since 1982. Reach an expert.

  • GE Aerospacehttps://

    CF6 | GE Aerospace

    WEBIn addition to marine and industrial applications, GE Aerospace has delivered more than 8,500 CF6 engines to power 10 unique commercial and military aircraft families with 25 …

  • General Electric celebrates 25th anniversary of …

    Twenty-five years after Thai Airways took delivery of the first CF6-80C2-powered Airbus A300-600 in a ceremony in Toulouse, France, the turbofan remains by far GE's most popular and diverse...

    GE's CF6-80C2 engine marks 150 million flight-hours

    The CF6-80C2 engine entered service in October 1985 and has become the most popular CF6 engine model, with more than 3,700 engines in operation with more …


    The CF6-80C2 is used across a range of operations, with average engine flight cycle (EFC) times varying from one hour to nine or 10 hours. A few operators, such as Air …


    The CF6-80C2 powers a large number of widebody aircraft types and variants. The fuel burn performance of the most popular types is examined. The CF6-80C2 has several …

    GE's CF6-80C2 Engines Celebrate 25 Years of Flight and …

    The CF6-80C2 engine is certified to power 12 wide-body applications, including the Boeing 767s, 747s and MD-11s, Airbus A300 and A310s, Boeing 767 …


    The CF6-80C2 powers a large number of widebody aircraft types and variants. The fuel burn performance of the most popular types is examined. The CF6-80C2 has several …

    GE's Versatile CF6-80C2 Engine Adapts Readily | GE News

    GE Aircraft Engines (GEAE) has been awarded a contract from Lockheed Martin Aerospace Company to begin delivery, next year, of CF6-80C2 propulsion …

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