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Манай celestia luna алх бутлуурын байршил

Auto sell in Inventory

Author. Posted April 20, 2013. On 4/20/2013 at 1:12 AM, Kruxifunky ツ said: You are able to do that in game. You just have to double click or hit the right click button on the selected item and it will auto sell. There's no need for dragging.

Patch Notes [June 22nd 2021]

Patch Notes. Patch Notes [June 22nd 2021] Items: Fixed enchant effect of multiple newer weapons. Updated price of some rare equipment from Parasus and other rare equipment. Balanced all previously added even equip items. All event equipment items are now following the same guidelines and level tiers. Quests: Added exchange …

Celestia Luna Online

Celestia Luna Online. 3,003 likes · 1 talking about this. Celestia Luna Online is a free-to-play anime-style fantasy MMORPG, come join us!

Алхан бутлуур

Синьхай компани нь тухайн уурхайн хүдрийн шинж чанар, баяжуулах үйлдвэрийн байршил зэргээс хамааран худалдан авагчид алхан бутлуурыг сонгож өгсөн.

[Rogue] Best Job For Farming Gold In Nera Harbor

Introduction: Entrapper is a Job in CelestiaLuna for best for looting because of its Skill Exortion +45% chance of droprate, neraharbor is a map in celestialuna, it is the best map to farm gold because every mobs in neraharbor can drop a weapon that cost 2m and 2.5m each if you sell in npc, if you have fullbag of weapons you will earn with a total …

[Guide] Tips Main Celestia Luna

Sebelum start game kan di paling bawah kiri ato kanan ada gambar obeng klick tuh. nanti muncul kotak kecil di tengah ada ukuran sama type full screen ato windows. itu mksud mu. kalau salah gpp deh :D.

Banished Giant.

Member. 269. I Know Stuff! Posted February 8, 2012. Also known as Abandoned Giants. This topic is now closed to further replies. Go to topic listing. All Activity. So I've been looking everywhere for the Banished Giant, as according to drop lists, it drops some stuff that would be beneficial.

Rogue Equipment Guide (For Newbies)

This talks about equipments for Rogues from Level 1-105. Here is a drop list for all the monsters in CL : Reveal hidden contents. Level 1-20. Just wear your apprentice armor or buy temp armor at alker harbor. Hunt all the bosses in Alker Gate till you get nice enough equipments.

Cardinal guide

Mage ---> Wizard ---> Sorcerer ---> Inquirer ---> Cardinal. Cardinals are a very solid choice for a mage in Luna. They have excellent survivability, a decent mix of powerful AOE and single target spells, and a host of …

Celestia Luna Online

There is no limitation on trading, selling, buying, etc. Remember that your items are your responsibility so you must keep them safe, beware of sharing accounts and items! Celestia Luna Online is a free-to-play anime-style fantasy MMORPG looking for players of all nationalities and languages to bring a fun and friendly atmosphere of gameplay.

Consolidated List of Exchangeable Items from Event Tokens

I was researching for the items to exchange with the tokens and thought of sharing this consolidated list with everybody. Please let me know if something is …


[Video] Antoni77 playing Celestia Luna, Old Trick Infinite Mana. By Antoni77 Started December 28, 2023. 0. hi hi! By Unaha Started August 28, 2023. 0 [Video] Celestia Luna Updates August 2023 & Playing Sniper with Bow. By Antoni77 Started August 20, 2023. Recent Status Updates. . YeonJu, I am sorry.

Blade Taker Guide, The War Machine

Costumes: Hat: p. pa batch hat. Body: BWL. Gloves: Panda gloves for war and PVP, any +500 hp gloves for PVE. Boots: Panda boots. Gear: Head: Crit Slime. Glasses: Any +5 str/vit. Cape: KOD until you have enough crit and eva, then use phixus or kingdom knights (from the gem store, character bound) if you can afford it.

Rare Items (Weapon,Helmet,Acc. Only)

Physical Attack 92. Magic Attack 24. Dexterity +9. HP -150. [ice Rain] Skill Level +1. Orion the Hunter. [Lucky 77 3rd - 0.24%] Level 62. Physical Attack 143.


Everything you need to know about the world of the Blue Land! Outdated guides will be deleted.

Celestia Luna Online

Celestia Luna Online is a free-to-play anime-style fantasy MMORPG looking for players of all nationalities and languages to bring a fun and friendly atmosphere of gameplay.

Patch Notes [August 10th 2023]

Patch Notes. Patch Notes [August 10th 2023] Items: Fixed 3D model of Magic Enchanters hair for elf/human . Updated 3D model of Magic Enchanters hair for elf/human male. Updated texture of Celebratory Outfit body & wrong icon color. [New] Added a new Yoroi color variation (can be runed). Fixed weapon craft recipe for level …


[Video] Antoni77 playing Celestia Luna, Old Trick Infinite Mana. By Antoni77 Started December 28, 2023. 0. hi hi! By Unaha Started August 28, 2023. 0 [Video] Celestia Luna Updates August 2023 & Playing Sniper with Bow. By Antoni77 Started August 20, 2023. 1. necesito compañeros latinos. By yizune

[Guide] Bow type TM

100-110 Naila Harbor. 110+ Grave of the Knights. Equipment: weapon: Use Euryale or Altair bow. when you reach lvl 115, better you craft lvl 115 bow named "dragon dusk". Armor: Use G.set, philo with str 10++. or if you cant afford, just use trans set with same philo. Helmet: Kynee philo with eva 10++.

Guide of Character Basic Status | Celestia Luna Online 2023

cruncy. Member. 15. Freshman. Posted June 7, 2023. Per Point Effects of Character Basic Status: How much PA (Physical Attack) does [basic stat] add? ℹ️ 1 STR adds X Physical Attack ️ X = ( (YourTotalSTR * 0.2 - 10) * 20) / YourTotalSTR ) How much PDef (Physical Defense) does [basic stat] add?

Items drop in Sahel

Posted March 13, 2017. On 3/12/2017 at 4:35 PM, MissRabbita said: As there are a new map Sahel, may I know the list of item drop at there? Like rare item and etc. gonna come soon.. no worry :3.

[Fighter] A Guide to being a Sword Master

What you gain in attack power, you lose in defensive power. The Basics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- …

FAQ (frequently asked questions)

What is Celestia? Celestia is the first modular blockchain network that makes it effortless to deploy a new blockchain. It allows sovereign blockchains to break …

About Deleveling

1. You will retain your path even you deleved. 2. Your stats will decrease because you deleved. (stats will be related to your new lvl) From Orange: Quote. Stats that depend on level do decrease, but to be specific, your base stats STR/DEX/VIT/INT/WIS do not change. 3. The skill levels will stay the same .

Reinforcement :D

Reinforce is a very important process if your actually interested in better equipment or weapons. It's advised not to waste money, effort and time into this at lower levels but just stock up till your higher and in more need of the boost up of your equipment. Reinforce can add stats to an item - Like HP, INT or STR and so on.

[Guide] Job Change NPC's

Ranger - Preier in Zakandia Outpost. Treasure Hunter - Ellenshar in Alker Harbor. Assassin - Tierre in Alker Harbor (Humans Only) Rune Walker - Andorna in Moon Blind Swamp (Elves Only) Level 105. All - Cindamook in Nera Village. MAGE. Level 20. Farouk in Alker Harbor.

Patch Notes [February 15th 2023]

Patch Notes [February 15th 2023] Items: Updated textures & models of Hiphop costumes to be a bit more different. Updated Brown Hiphop costume to White Hiphop costume. Updated multiple classic costume names. Added all classic and gacha costumes to costume rune compatibility. Please report any bugs you find with costume runes!

Top 3 Technical Issues

Posted February 17, 2014. " Go to your game folder (ex: C:Program Files (86x)Celestia Luna Online Alpha) and delete the file called "celestiapatch" and run LUNAPatcher.exe". This will also fix the issue of not seeing pvp map on map move scrolls or being able to sell things for over "4b". 5.

Patch Notes [December 10th 2023]

Patch Notes. Patch Notes [December 10th 2023] Items: "Magic Snake Oil", "Blooming Blossom" and "Magic Crayons" have become costume runes usable on all daily reward costumes! They can be used on the following costumes and cost 1 Gold Ticket each (unchanged). In addition the next daily reward track will have a glove costume rune.

Equip set (Lv1-105+) {HA}

This is basically a guide that lists all of the item sets that are in the game, their stats, their bonuses, and a few miscellaneous information about them. Source: …

Cracked Diamond & Flame of the hell

10 Magical Flame. Put the Rough Diamond on the construct slot and you will be able to construct the processed Diamond. How to obtain a Magical Flame: You will need: 40 Flame Stone. 20 Magical Powder. Put the Flame Stone on the construct slot and choose to construct the Magical Flame. How to obtain a Flame of the Hell: You will need:

xGibz Elf Arch Ranger Guide(ELF)

This type of archer (The foiler type) uses a focused type of skills. Less AOE skills, but the FOIL skill (1-2secs silence) which is his advantage, also a high critical damage dealer. Finally, the Arch Ranger (Wonderer) :D. In this job, you can already feel that youre an archer.

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